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MBLEx Test Prep
Made Simple

MBLEx practice exams, quizzes, and our comprehensive MBLEx Prep Course. We have the most effective tools to help you prepare for the FSMTB Massage Exam in 2024.


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3-Month Membership



Our most popular option allows plenty of time to study at a relaxed pace.


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1-Month Membership



Ideal for students who want a quick readiness assessment and review.

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We've made choosing a MBLEx review program a no-brainer

Choosing a MBLEx test prep solution for 2024 is easy. Get full access to all of Massage Exam Guide’s practice tests for 1-month, 3-months or 6 months. Whatever fits your timeframe. 

MBLEx-Specific Questions

Every practice question is focused on topics that massage students and therapists need to know for the FSMTB Massage & Bodywork Licensing Exam (MBLEx).

Answer Rationales

Clear and concise answer rationales are provided to explain correct answers. Understanding answer rationales will result in better performance on test day.

Experienced Instructor

All course & quiz material was created by an experienced massage therapist and physical therapist with 20 years of clinical experience.

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Confused about a topic and have questions? Send us an email at any time. We're happy to help and committed to helping you succeed.

Pass Guarantee

Members who don't pass the MBLEx can get their membership extended at no charge. See Terms and Conditions for details.

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out common FAQs about Massage Exam Guide

Massage Exam Guide offers the best value in a massage licensing exam (MBLEx) prep course. The value is in the format, convenience, and quality of the content and practice tests. All practice questions were written in a similar format to the actual MBLEx, and were designed to enhance understanding of the topic. We also go the extra mile and offer an explanation about why the correct answers are correct, because the more you understand, the less you have to memorize. Massage Exam Guide focuses on presenting the most relevant questions. 

No one except the FSMTB knows the actual test questions. This is important to maintain the integrity of the test. Remember that the primary function of a board exam like this is to protect the public and ensure that people applying for a massage therapy license have a basic minimum understanding of how to provide safe and effective massage therapy treatments. Our practice questions were designed to be similar to the actual questions in terms of: level of difficulty, format, length, and content. If anything, our questions may be a little on the difficult side. This means that if you can consistently pass our full-length exams then you should do well on the actual MBLEx.

No. Due to the technical complexity of creating, administering and grading computer adaptive exams, there are currently no MBLEx review systems on the market that offer adaptive practice exams. There is no evidence that using computer adaptive exams for study purposes offers any advantages over using standard practice exams. In fact, using a computer adaptive exam for study purposes would be less effective because you would be unable to go back to retake the same exam in order to improve your score.

If for some reason you don’t pass the MBLEx after becoming a member and using the Massage Exam Guide study program, just email us a copy of your test results and we will extend your membership at no charge until you pass! Your success on the MBLEx is important to us. See the terms and conditions page for more details about our 100% Pass Guarantee.

After you become a Massage Exam Guide member, take up to 24 hours to try some practice quizzes and tests to see if you think our program will help you prepare for the MBLEx. If you’re like most people, you will quickly see how taking regular practice quizzes will help you prepare for the massage licensing exam. The vast majority of our students have loved using our system and we have an incredibly low number of refund requests. That’s why we are confident that you will want to stay a member. If Massage Exam Guide isn’t right for you, no problem. We will refund 100% of your payment, no hassles. 

All content on Massage Exam Guide is current and ready for students and practicing therapists preparing to take the MBLEx in 2023. The practice tests and Massage Exam Course content was created primarily for US massage students and therapists preparing for the FSMTB Massage & Bodywork Licensing Exam. Students and therapists preparing for other comprehensive massage exams such as the New York Massage License Exam or final exams in massage school are also likely to benefit from the MBLEx Prep Course and practice tests presented here.

Yes. All content on Massage Exam Guide is mobile friendly so you can review for the MBLEx anywhere you have Internet connection.